Moving day is finally here, which means that it’s time to welcome the movers into your home and trust that everything will go as planned. While your movers are packing and moving your items, you’ll probably be tempted to keep your eye out on what they’re doing to make sure everything is going smoothly. However, whether you’re concerned about your expensive piano, fragile kitchenware or scuffing the hardwood floor, you need to place trust in your movers and give them space so that all tasks are completed efficiently.
Nevertheless, if you really do want to assist your movers with the process, then here’s a list of some small tasks you can complete that will help them out!
Pack and Label Boxes in Advance
Try your best to pack and label as many boxes as you can ahead of time. Not only will this help your movers, it will help you out too! Doing this will save everyone time on moving day, which in turn, saves you money. Empty your dressers and drawers and organize them into boxes, labelled to go to their correct destination. This way, the movers will know exactly where to place everything. The movers will appreciate your help. However, if you want to sit back, relax and not worry about this, leave it to us. You hired us for a reason, trust that the experts can do their job!
Pack Small, Very Fragile or Valuable Items in Your Car
Movers always take the right precautions to ensure that your items arrive to your new home in one piece. Sometimes though, some situations are out of their control. Don’t risk extremely valuable items – ease your mind and keep some items in the car with you. This can include items ranging from jewelry, artwork, small electronics and fish tanks. This way, you and your movers won’t have to stress as much.
Provide Refreshments
Think of all the heavy items and boxes your movers have to pack, move and load into the truck. Movers will likely work up a sweat, especially if it’s warm outside. Encourage them by offering some cold refreshments and snacks to show them you appreciate their help and get them moving efficiently.
Don’t Forget: Clear and Defrost your Fridge and Freezer
If you forget about this step, it will set you and our movers back a lot. You must remember to clear and defrost your fridge and freezer, or else you will have to wait much longer to get going on the move.
Trust the Movers and Let Them do What They do
Keep in mind that you hired professionals for a reason – they know what they’re doing! If you hired a good, reputable moving company like Armando Movers, then you wouldn’t have to worry about your belongings. They know what’s fragile and what they should be looking out for. No one likes being micromanaged! Let them do what they do best.
Hire Armando Movers!
Let the professionals at Armando Movers take care of your move! Our professional moving crew members are friendly, efficient and experienced, so there’s never any concern about who will be handling your valuables and delivering them safely. Contact us today.