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What’s the best time to move?

Best time to moveMoving can be stressful but choosing the right time of year to do so can make the process easier. There are lots of factors to consider when you’re deciding the right time to move. So, when is the best time to move? What time of the year should you move? The best day? Here are some tips:

Best time of the year to move:

You want to avoid moving during the summer. May-August are the most expensive and the busiest time of the year to move. To save yourself a lot of money and stress, plan to move between the months of September through April. The demand for movers is slow during this time, therefore the rates are lower.

Best day to move

When selecting a moving date, your best bet is to pick a weekday. There is a higher demand for movers Fridays through Sundays, so if you can afford to miss a day of work, plan your moving day on a Monday through Thursday.

Best time of the day to move

There’s no time to sleep in. The best time to move is early in the morning. You’ll be fresh and full of energy if you get started right in the morning. The earlier you start, the more time you will have to unpack and organize your belongings in your new home.

Other considerations when choosing your moving date:

Children – School calendar

Weather – avoid moving during bad weather conditions

Budget – Save money by selecting the middle of the month as your date

Work – Are you able to take a day off to move

Ultimately, you have to decide what date works best for you. Keep these factors in mind when planning your move and keep Armando Movers in mind as well. Happy Moving!