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How to Pack Delicate Items for a Move

pack delicate items Packing your clothes and linens when moving is one thing, but packing and shipping your delicate items is quite another. One wrong move and your fragile items could quickly become a thing of the past. That’s why it’s imperative that you take measures to properly wrap and pack your most delicate belongings in order to ensure they remain completely safe during your big move. Here are some tips to packing your fragile goods before you move them into your new place.

Take Your Time

You can’t just throw all of your delicate items into a box quickly and hope that nothing breaks. Instead, this is no time to rush. Since you will need to take your time carefully packing your precious goods, you should plan and prepare ahead of time. Start this process well in advance of your move.

Don’t Use Printed Newspaper

Printed newspaper has long been a popular tool for wrapping delicate items when moving. The only problem is that it leaves marks on the items being wrapped. Not only can this be a pain to have to clean off after unwrapping them, some stains might not be able to be removed. Instead, use plain newsprint. Better yet, use bubble wrap instead to provide protection without leaving any stains behind.

Pack Accordingly Based on Item Type

Different items call for different types of packing: Plates – Pack these vertically in small- to medium-sized boxes lined with crumpled-up packing paper both on the bottom and top. Glasses – Wrap up your glasses individually with packing paper and put crumpled-up paper inside large pieces to get rid of empty space. Place the heaviest items at the bottom of the box, and lighter items on top. Pictures and frames – Place your picture frames in paper-lined small to medium boxes with crumpled-up paper between each piece. Wrap the frames in packing paper, and top frames with more additional paper to make sure the items don’t move around in the box.

Fill Extra Space With Paper

As already mentioned, make sure that any extra space is filled with paper with no extra space being left inside the boxes. This will help provide structure and support both inside and outside the boxes.

Label Boxes As “Fragile”

Be sure to label boxes with delicate items in them as “fragile” in big, bold letters, along with a vertical arrow that points upward to indicate that these boxes shouldn’t be loaded on their side. Your fragile items are likely quite valuable, both in terms of monetary value and sentimental value. As such, you want to make sure you do what you can to adequately protect them when you’re packing and moving from one home to another. Be sure to keep these tips in mind when packing up your fragile goods. Aside from that, you can depend on Armando Movers to take very good care of your items during your big move!