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Moving into a smaller home

smaller home Are you thinking about downsizing your home? Moving all your belongings from your current home into your new, smaller home can be tricky. We prepared some tips to help make the transition of downsizing into a smaller home as smooth as possible.

Make a List

Create a list of all your belongings and determine which ones are essential. For example, bed, couch, dresser, TV etc. Ideally, you should make three lists: the must haves, the things you can live without, and things you could replace.

Get Measurements

Make sure to take measurements of your furniture in advance. You want to be sure that your furniture will fit in your new home.


This will be the most time-consuming task. Make sure to give yourself time and start a few months in advance.


Try to be more disciplined when going through your belongings and put a limit on how much sentimental stuff you keep. You need to let go of everything you don’t really need.

Garage Sale or Donate

  Don’t just throw away your belongings. Organize a garage sale and earn some extra money for your move. If you have extra items you don’t need you can donate them.

Consider Storage

If you’ve packed up all your belongings and you realize you still have more than you thought, consider renting a storage unit. If you use a storage unit, organize it so it’s easy to access.

Book the service elevator

If you’re moving into a condo, you’ll want to book the service elevator ahead of time. Book in advance so you don’t inconvenience other residents and you can be sure the move will run smoothly.

Work with a professional moving company

Downsizing to a smaller home can be very stressful and time-consuming. Hiring a professional moving company can help the process go much more smoothly and a lot faster.

Armando Movers is your go-to source for moving, no matter how near or far. It is our commitment to make every moving experience a successful and stress-free one.

If you’re looking to hire a moving company that you can depend on, contact us today! We’re available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, and look forward to helping you with your next move.