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How to Avoid Scratching Your Furniture


Whether you’re doing it yourself or you’re hiring a professional moving company, your furniture should always be handled with care during a move. When you arrive at your new home, you want your furniture and heavy items to be damage free. Without the proper precautions, wood furniture can get scratched, upholstery can be torn, and glass can break.

Here are a few tips on how to protect your furniture during your move.

1. Collect Packing Supplies

Many people think that all you need to pack and protect your furniture are some cardboard boxes, packing tape, and blankets. While these items will work, gathering a few more supplies will ensure your furniture will remain intact and damage free.

Additional Packing Supplies:

  • Bubble Wrap
  • Sofa and mattress covers
  • Plastic wrap
  • Sealable plastic bags

2. Prepare your Furniture for Packing

Before you pack anything, you should clean and dust your furniture. Dust and other debris can scratch hard surfaces during the move. Cleaning the furniture before you move also means you won’t bring any unnecessary dirt into your new home.

You should remove all knobs, casters, and drawers from your furniture. You can use the drawers to pack other small items. This gives you extra storage space while lightening up heavy furniture.

3. Dismantle Any Furniture in Advance

You should dismantle your furniture completely, whenever possible. Remove the legs from tables and couches, take bed frames apart, and remove couch cushions. This makes the furniture easier to move and will help prevent damage caused by brushing up against walls or door frames.

4. Wrap your Furniture Correctly

Last but certainly, you need to wrap your furniture correctly. Bubble Wrap and plastic sheeting are the best supplies to use when it comes to wrapping your furniture.

Use Bubble Wrap to protect wood pieces and use plastic wrap to cover sofas and upholstered items.

With just a few supplies and some easy wrapping tips, you can move your furniture without worrying about potential damage. Armando Movers has the dollies, pads, and all the necessary tools needed for moving. With over four decades of experience moving families and companies throughout the province, we will ensure a streamlined transition for you.

Call us for your next move. (416) 656-1876.